

Screening/Kinoabende am

05.06. um 20 Uhr, in der Wiesenburg Berlin

06.06. um 19 Uhr, im Wolf Kino Berlin

We will watch the results of (dis)connect! together: various dance films will be shown throughout the evening, accompanied by perspectives from the individual artists. They will talk about the creation process, their inspiration for the respective works and their impressions of the end result.

(dis)played! wird begleitet von einem/einer Gebärdensprachler*in. Wir laden Menschen aus der Gehörlosen-Community ganz herzlich zum Event ein! Zum ersten Mal treffen sich hier auch die Tänzer*innen live! Sei auch du mit dabei, erfahre mehr
über die einzelnen Arbeiten und deren Hintergründe. Nach der Vorstellung hast du die Möglichkeit, mit den Tänzer*innen, Film- und Medienkünstler*innen und den Organisator*innen bei einem Getränk ins Gespräch zu kommen.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Join our Artist Talk on 05/11 (exact time will follow)!

Here we will present the results of (dis)connect!: We will talk about the creation process, the input for all respective works and how it was later dealt with. We will also discuss the backgrounds and intentions of the individual artists‘ work.

For the first time, the artists will also have the opportunity to talk to each other, ask questions and find out what has moved the dancer/s previous to them in the chain of communication. We will open the previously one-sided communication in all directions and invite you to join in the conversation with the artists and organisers.

The link to the live stream will follow shortly.

We look forward to seeing you!

You can discover the complete dance communication chain here at the beginning of November. Since each artist group is only supposed to use the directly preceding material as input, we will wait with the publication of the videos until the process is complete.